Visit by Ambassador of Australia to Sweden, Finland, Latvia and Estonia
Today, on 18th of August 2016, the Ambassador of Australia to Sweden, Finland, Latvia and Estonia H.E. Mr Gerald Thomson visited the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL).
The Commandant of the BALTDEFCOL Major General Andis Dilāns (LVA A) welcomed H.E. Mr Thomson, and together with the Dean Dr Zdzislaw Sliwa acquainted him with the professional military education institution. As it was the Ambassador’s first visit to the BALTDEFCOL, he was introduced to the scope, aims and unique characteristics of the College. Undoubtedly, the educational system regarding the operational, strategic and strategic-political level education provided by the BALTDEFCOL (Joint Command and General Staff Course or JCGSC, Civil Servants Course, Higher Command Studies and Senior Leaders’ Course) was explained.
Additionally, the Dean underlined the importance of the internationally recognized BALTDEFCOL’s research activities.
Finally, the Ambassador gladly considered possible involvement of Australia in the BALTDEFCOL’s education and teaching system.
Afterwards H.E. Mr Gerald Thomson gave an exceptional lecture on "Australian Perspectives on Indo-Pacific Security" to the officers of the JCGSC, which definitely broadened their view on the international scene. The meaningful lecture triggered lively discussions with the Ambassador and H.E. Mr Thomson willingly shared the Australian global outlook.