Visit by Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia and delegation of Military Academy of Macedonia

Visit by Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia and delegation of Military Academy of Macedonia

The BALTDEFCOL was honored by the visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia H.E. Mr Saso Veljanovski and the Macedonian delegation consisting of Chief of the Cabinet of the Minister of Defense of Macedonia Mr. Ilir Selmani, and representatives of Military Academy of the Republic of Macedonia headed by Dean COL Dr Orce Popovski on 18 March.

The high level delegation had a meeting with BALTDEFCOL Deputy Commandant/Chief of Staff COL ingemar Gustafsson and part of BALTDEFCOL Management Group consisting of Dean Dr James S. Corum, Course Director of JCGSC/CSC, and Course Director of HCSC COL Igors Rajevs. 

The Macedonian delegation was briefed on BALTDEFCOL and its courses. The meeting provided to BALTDEFCOL and the Military Academy an excellent opportunity to exchange views and ideas about cooperation between the two academic institutions. 


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