Visit by Brigadier General Martin Herem, Chief of Staff of Estonian Defence Forces Headquarters

On 12th January 2018, Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) had the honour to host Brigadier General Martin Herem, Chief of Staff of Estonian Defence Forces Headquarters. BG Herem was welcomed by the Commandant of the BALTDEFCOL, Major General Andis Dilāns, and members of the College Management Group.

The visit started with an office call with MG Dilāns. Afterwards, BALTDEFCOL faculty and students of the Joint Command and General Staff Course 2017/2018 had an opportunity to listen to a lecture “National Defence Development Plan 2017 - 2026” given by BG Herem. He highlighted the complexity of the process and implementation of long-term vision of armed forces based on personal experiences within Estonian Defence Forces. BG Herem also made a reference to the influence of modern conflicts and evolving security environment on building military capabilities.

The official programme was concluded with BG Herem’s meeting with Estonian staff, faculty and students at BALTDEFCOL.


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