Visit by Chinese Lecturer Delegation on National Defence Policy and Security Strategy
On 7th December BALTDEFCOL hosted a visit of a delegation of Chinese Lecturers on National Defence Policy and Security Strategy led by Senior Colonel Qi Dapeng, Vice Director of the Strategic Research Institute, Chinese National Defence University.
The visitors, who arrived from their trip to Lithuania and Latvia, were welcomed by BALTDEFCOL´s Deputy Commandant and Chief of Staff Colonel Axel Pfaffenroth and members of the Management Group. The program at the College continued with two lectures by Chinese senior officers to students of the JCGSC and CSC.
The lectures covered topics such as China’s national defence policy, security situation, national defence developments, military reform and international security cooperation and resulted in an interesting question and answer period.
The lectures were followed by a meeting with BALTDEFCOL management group members. During the meeting the Chinese guests were briefed about BALTDEFCOL’s history, its vision and mission, strategic goals, lines of effort and educational programme.
This was the third visit by representatives of the Chinese National Defence University after 2011 and 2015. Senior Colonel Qi Dapeng expressed the wish to continue these meetings.