Visit by Colonel Jaak Tarien, Director of NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence

On 15th of October, Colonel Jaak Tarien, Director of NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) visited the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL). The aim of the visit was to enhance existing cooperation and to exchange newest developments and practices in the field of Cyber Security.

The visit started with an office call with Major General Andis Dilāns, Commandant of BALTDEFCOL. It was followed by a presentation on BALTDEFCOL and a thorough discussion on the role of cyber domain within professional military education. The possible opportunities of support for the College from CCDCOE to enhance that important domain of contemporary security were examined and will effect in future contribution to education at operational and strategic levels. The cooperation is based on signed Letter of Intent between the BALTDEFCOL and CCDCOE.


The official part of the visit was concluded with a roundtable “Cyber Aspects in Contemporary Operations” open to all interested Joint Command and General Staff Course 2018-2019 students and BALTDEFCOL Faculty members.


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