Visit by Counsellor at the Embassy of Canada in Vilnius

Visit by Counsellor at the Embassy of Canada in Vilnius

The BALTDEFCOL was honoured by the visit of Mrs. Jeanette Stovel, the Counsellor at the Embassy of Canada in Vilnius on 14 August.

Mrs. Jeanette Stovel, accompanied by Program Officer Mrs. Kairi-Liis Ustav, had a meeting with BALTDEFCOL Commandant MG Vitalijus Vaikšnoras, Deputy Commandant/Chief of Staff COL Axel Pfaffenroth and Dean Augustine Meaher IV (PhD). The Canadian Counsellor was briefed on BALTDEFCOL activities and its courses. The meeting provided to BALTDEFCOL and the Canadian Embassy an excellent opportunity to exchange views and ideas about the current and future engagements between the BALTDEFCOL and Canadian military education institutions.

Mrs. Stovel was in BALTDEFCOL in the framework of a working visit in Tartu.


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