Visit by Danish Defence Attaché to Balkan

Visit by Danish Defence Attaché to Balkan


Danish Defence Attaché to Balkan LTC Søren Knudsen, visited the BALTDEFCOL on 14 September. LTC Knudsen, accompanied by the Desk Officer to Balkan and China of Defence Command Denmark MAJ Niels Randloev, had a meeting with BALTDEFCOL Commandant BG Gundars Abols, Course Directors and Support Staff members.


During the meeting with the Commandant the latter briefed the Danish delegation about the BALTDEFCOL, its courses and support that BALTDEFCOL has received from Denmark during the years. Various aspects of sustaining Danish involvement in the BALTDEFCOL in the future were discussed.

Course Director of Higher Command and Staff Course COL Andrej Boi?išin, and Acting Course Director of Joint Command and General Staff Course LTC (ret) Ronald LaGrone briefed the guests on various aspects of the courses such as Course Plans, evaluation systems etc.

The visit ended with a lecture delivered by LTC Knudsen to the students of the Higher Command and Staff Course 2010 on “CIMIC in Operations”.


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Visit by Danish Defence Attaché to Balkan


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