Visit by delegation of ASMEM

Visit by delegation of ASMEM


On 17 SEPT the BALTDEFCOL was visited by the big delegation of the “Association Saint-Maurice d´Etudes Militaires” (ASMEM), a Swiss Association presided by BG Denis Froidevaux.


The program in the BALTDEFCOL included a lecture by guest lecturer Mathieu Chillaud on "Military History and Security Aspects of Estonia", which was followed by presentation on the BALTDEFCOL by the BALTDEFCOL Commandant BG Gundars Abols. The delegation had also an opportunity to get familiarized with the BALTDEFCOL facility during a building tour led by the BALTDEFCOL Acting Director of Support SGM Meelis Koger. The visit culminated with a lunch hosted by the ASMEM for the members of the BALTDEFCOL Management Group.



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Col Eric Walters was awarded BALTDEFCOL Medal of Merit Bronze


Cooperation Agreement signed with the University of Latvia

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