Visit by H.E. Mr Andris Teikmanis, Head of the Chancellery of the President of Latvia

Today, on 6th March, Baltic Defence College had an opportunity to host H.E. Mr Andris Teikmanis, Head of the Chancellery of the President of Latvia. High level guest was welcomed by the Commandant Major General Andis Diland accompanied by Col Jean Trudel, Deputy Commandant/ Chief of Staff.

The visit started with an office call with Major General Andis Dilāns, Commandant of BALTDEFCOL. It was followed by a briefing session covering an overview of the College history, mission, vision, core activitiers, courses, research activities and future development. Visit ended with a tour at the BALTDEFCOL premises. 


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Distinguished Visitor's Afternoon


Sixth Annual Conference on Russia "Russia on the World: Vision and Realities" 

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