Visit by H.E. Mr Valdis Zatlers, the President of the Republic of Latvia


On 11th of June 2008 the Baltic Defence College had the honor to welcome the President of the Republic of Latva, H.E. Mr Valdis Zatlers. The Latvian delegation of 12 members was accompanied by Ms Inese Seglina, Charge D\'Affaires of the Republic of Latvia in Estonia and H.E. Mr Jaak Jõerüüt, Estonian Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia in Latvia. The President was welcomed at the entrance of the Baltic Defence College by the Latvian Senior National Representative LtCol Eglis Lescinskis.


The President had a meeting at the CommandantÂ’s Office where the Commandant gave the Latvian delegation and H.E. Mr Jaak Jõerüüt a briefing about the Baltic Defence College, its courses and future challenges.

The briefing was followed by a tour of the Baltic Defence College building led by the Chief of Staff Col German Kesa. During the tour guest were shown and introduced with the facilities of tactical trainer and syndicate room. Afterwards H.E. Mr Valdis Zatlers delivered a lecture on “Latvia’s future role in NATO and EU” which was addressed to the students of the Joint Command and General Staff Course 2007/2008, Civil Servants Course 2008, and the staff of the Baltic Defence College. The lecture culminated with an active round of questions and answers where the audience used the opportunity to engage the distinguished speaker in an open discussion.

After the time of Q&A the high level guest H.E. Mr Zatlers signed the Baltic Defence College Guestbook and exchanged presents with Commandant Âbols.

After the lecture the President engaged in a meeting and in a group photo with 18 Latvian students and 6 Directing Staff members of the Baltic Defence College.

The official visit was ended by a lunch, hosted by the Commandant of the Baltic Defence College. The Latvian delegation and the host were joined at the lunch by H.E. Mr Jaak Jõerüüt, the Deputy Commandant Col Olle Ljung, the Rector of the University of Tartu Mr Alar Karis, the Minister of Education and Research H.E. Mr Tõnis Lukas, and Assistant Professor Mr Aalo Eller from the Traumatology and Orthopaedics Clinic of the Tartu University Hospital.


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Academic Co-operation Agreement signed with the University of Tartu


Graduation Ceremony of JCGSC 2007/2008 and CSC 2008

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