On the 16th of April 2019, Lieutenant Colonel Michael F. Alexander, Commander of the 3rd Regional Security Assistance Command, which is responsible for the European and African areas of responsibility under the U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization (USA-SATMO) visited the Baltic Defense College (BALTDEFCOL). The aim of the visit was to gain a better understanding of BALTDEFCOL’s structure, mission, capabilities and future initiatives.
During his visit, LTC Alexander received a Command Briefing and conducted an office call with the BALTDEFCOL’s Acting Commandant / Chief of Staff, Colonel Jean Trudel. During the engagement, ways and means for further cooperation were discussed. LTC Alexander was also able to meet with key management and faculty members and engage with the Higher Command Studies Course students and faculty. As a result of the visit, both parties have a good understanding of each other's requirements and capabilities supporting the professional military education.