Visit by Mr Jüri Ratas, Prime Minister of Estonia

On 20th of March, the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) was honoured by the visit of Mr Jüri Ratas, Prime Minister of Estonia. The high-level guest was welcomed by the Commandant of BALTDEFCOL, Major General Andis Dilāns accompanied by the members of College Management Group and the Commandant of Estonian National Defence College, Colonel Enno Mõts.

During the visit, MG Dilāns provided a presentation on BALTDEFCOL’s history, mission and education of military and civilian personnel. The visit was an important opportunity to present current and future activities of the College facilitating familiarization with academic activities and major ongoing projects. Mr Ratas also received an overview of the activities of the Estonian National Defence College.


Mr Ratas’ visit to BALTDEFCOL concluded with a tour on the College premises.



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