Visit by Professor Viktoras Pranckietis, Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania

On 19th of June 2019, we had the honour to host Professor Viktoras Pranckietis, Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on his first official visit to the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL).

Professor Pranckietis had an office call with Commandant of BALTDEFCOL Major General Andis Dilāns followed by BALTDEFCOL presentation. The Speaker was briefed about the courses delivered at the College and research activities related to its mission. The follow-on discussion was linked to the role of the College as hub of knowledge related to regional security. The multinationalism of the faculty and students was recognised as an important factor enhancing the value and scope of education.

The Commandant presented Professor Pranckietis the new book titled “NATO at 70 and the Baltic states: Strengthening the Euro-Atlantic Alliance in an Age of Non-Linear Threats” developed by BALTDEFCOL as one of the important contributions to discussion about differing aspects of security concerns.

Professor Pranckietis’ visit to the College will continue tomorrow with his attendance at the Flag Inauguration Ceremony and Joint Graduation.


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Baltic Defence College New Flag Inauguration and Joint Graduation at Vanemuine Theatre


Book Launch 20th Anniversary Edition Regional Security Publication

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