Visit by the Military Representative to NATO and EU Military Committees

Visit by the Military Representative to NATO and EU Military Committees


BALTDEFCOL was honoured by the visit of Vice Admiral Charles-Édouard de Coriolis, Military Representative to NATO and EU Military Committees on 31st March.

VADM Charles-Édouard de Coriolis was welcomed by the Commandant, Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras. The office call was followed by a working meeting where a more detailed discussion about possible future cooperation was held.

The meeting was followed by VADM Charles-Édouard de Coriolis´ lecture ‘NATO and EU’s Current Situation and Future Prospects’ to the JCGSC, HCSC and CSC students.  His lecture culminated with an active round of questions and answers where the audience used the opportunity to engage the distinguished speaker in an open discussion.


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