Visit by the Norwegian NMR to SHAPE

Visit by the Norwegian NMR to SHAPE

On 19 OCTOBER 2016 Brigadier General Jan Christian Ødegaard, the Norwegian Military Representative to SHAPE and his spouse, Mrs. Sigrid Hjortland who is working in the personnel management of the Norwegian Armed Forces spent an information visit at the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL). The guests were welcomed by the Deputy Commandant and Chief of Staff, Colonel Axel Pfaffenroth, the Director of the Operations Department and Norwegian Senior National Representative at BALTDEFCOL, Colonel Ørjan Pettersen and the Director of Support, Mr. Juris Roze.

In his information presentation Colonel Pfaffenroth outlined BALTDEFCOL´s mission, vision, educational programs and international cooperation including the long-standing participation of Norway in this joint venture of the Baltic states, their allies and partners. During the question and answer session topics of regional security, exercises as part of the operational level of education and academic matters were discussed.

After a visit of BALTDEFCOL´s facilities the guests departed to continue their regional Baltic tour of visiting Norwegian personnel in NATO functions.


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