Visit by the President of Italian CASD (Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa)

Visit by the President of Italian CASD (Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa)

On Monday, 9th November 2015, the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) hosted a visit by the President of Italian CASD (Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa) Lieutenant General Massimiliano Del Casale, Italian Defence Attaché to Estonia Brigadier General Filippo Camporesi and Ai-de-camp to the President of CASD Lieutenant Colonel Nicola Piscicelli.

LTG Del Casale and his accompanying delegation were welcomed by MG Vitalijus Vaikšnoras, the Commandant of Baltic Defence College and BALTDEFCOL’s Management Group members.

During his visit to the Baltic Defence College, the President of Italian CASD was given a detailed presentation on BALTDEFCOL’s history, its vision, mission, strategic goals and main lines of effort. Since BALTDEFCOL’s establishment, Italy, among several other nations, has proved to be a valuable cooperation partner to the College. At the meeting concluding the visit, it was emphasized that BALTDEFCOL’s desire is to continue the cooperation with Italian Armed Forces and its PME institutions and seek for opportunities of mutual benefit to develop the partnership even further.

The meeting provided BALTDEFCOL and CASD with an excellent opportunity to exchange views and ideas about cooperation between the two academic institutions.


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