Visit by the United States Air War College

On 15th September, the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) was delighted to welcome the delegation of the United States Air War College (AWC). The delegation consisted of the faculty members of the Department of Leadership and Warfighting Faculty and was accompanied by Major Jason Burns, US Bilateral Affairs Officer, US Embassy Tallinn .


The visit started with greetings by the BALTDEFCOL Deputy Commandant/ Chief of Staff Colonel Jean Trudel and the members of College Management Group followed by a tour of the premises led by College Sergeant Major, SGM Peeter Einbaum.

After the tour, the programme continued with a briefing session, where Col Trudel gave an overview of the BALTDEFCOL mission, vision, courses and research activities.


Visit ended with a Baltic Overview briefing by Dr Asta Maskaliunaite, Dr Mark Opgenorth and Dr Matus Halas, leading to discussions about areas of mutual interest.


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Visit by the Commander of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps

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