Visit by US Deputy Chief of Mission
BALTDEFCOL was honoured by the visit of US Deputy Chief of Mission Ms Chever Voltmer on 8 November 2013.
The US delegation headed by Ms Voltmer and accompanied by Army Attaché LTC Geoffrey Wright, paid a visit to BALTDEFCOL during which the high level guests were welcomed by BALTDEFCOL Commandant MG Vitalijus Vaikšnoras, Deputy Commandant/Chief of Staff Col Ingemar Gustafsson, Course Director of Joint Command and General Staff Course, and Course Director of Higher Command Studies Course.
During the meeting BALTDEFCOL Management gave the US delegation a thorough overview of BALTDEFCOL and its courses. Several aspects of current as well as future involvement of US in BALTDEFCOL engagements were discussed.
Ms Chever Voltmer is a career member of the Foreign Service. She has spent considerable time in Eastern Europe, serving most recently as Economic Counsellor in Kyiv, Ukraine. In addition, she has worked in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, and Poland. Ms Chever Voltmer also spent two tours in Latin America, serving in Ecuador and Guyana.