Visit of the Director of Croatian Defence Academy

Visit of the Director of Croatian Defence Academy

The BALTDEFCOL was honoured by the visit of the delegation of the Croatian Defence Academy led by the Director Lieutenant General Slavko Barić on 21st May.

The guests were welcomed by the Baltic Defence College Commandant, Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras and briefed by the BALTDEFCOL Management Group members consisting of Dean Dr Augustine Meaher, Course Director of JCGSC/CSC COL Remigijus Baltrenas and Course Director of HCSC COL Igors Rajevs on various aspects of BALTDEFCOL courses, evaluation systems and development plans.

The meeting provided BALTDEFCOL and the Croatian Defence Academy with an excellent opportunity to exchange views and ideas about cooperation between the two academic institutions.


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Journal on Baltic Security


9th International Lessons Learned Conference

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