Welcome message JCGSC 2015 - 2016
It is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to attend the Joint Command and General Staff Course, held from 10th August 2015 to 16th June 2016, at the Baltic Defence College, located in the historical university town of Tartu, Estonia.
Since 1999, the college has been proud to educate operational level officers to advance their education through a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum. I am convencied that with the diverse and committed faculty body, the college is adequately equipped to meet the challenges of modern military institution and to remain a unique form of multinational cooperation between the Baltic States, as well as their allies and partners.
The aim of the Joint Command and General Staff Course is to focus on the operational level to prepare commanders and general staff officers for joint, service, interagency and multinational environments to confront complex security challenges from Baltic and Euro-Atlantic perspectives.
The Joint Command and General Staff Course is one of the core courses provided at the college with many benefits:
- Electives
- Study Trips
- Possibility to receive a Master’s degree
- Senior Leaders and Distinguished Visitors’ programme
- Team Building Athletics
- English Language Seminar
More information on these activities and studies can be found at the Course Plan which should be read prior to your arrival.
The 10th August 2015 will mark the start of an intensive period of your personal and professional growth. The first day includes briefings on administrative issues, formation of syndicates, class photo, and an English language test. The dress code will be Class A / Jacket Uniform with tie. A separate programme for the first day – Installation Day – will be included in your welcome package, which you will receive on your arrival in Tartu. It will be also added to the webpage at the later date (Enclosure 1).
By the 10th July 2015 we would ask you to complete the in-processing form and submit it as stated in the instructions. Soon, after receiving the form, you will be contacted by our Course Registrar, Ms. Kaie Ehrenberg (372 717 6069; or [email protected]). She will give you further information and guidance on accommodation, transport, check-in times and other procedures.
Additionally, please make sure to send your Curriculum Vitae. A sample format is in Enclosure 2. It is very important to provide thorough information about your background – this enables the college to assign officers into syndicates. The CV is your ‘first impression’ at the college, thus put some time and effort into its development.
With the purpose to refresh your basic knowledge of operational level matters, and provide opportunity for Faculty to adjust curriculum in accordance with your needs, you will have to complete ADL module (available in ILIAS).
As part of the ADL module we expect you to complete a short essay, which is explained in detail during ADL module (Instructions for the Preliminary Essay). Successful performance in this assignment is one of the prerequisites for the Master’s Degree programme.
Both tasks should be completed by 7th of August.
In order to ease your transition into the course, the departments have put an effort to compile the read ahead package (available in ILIAS) with several articles. Read this package prior arrival to the college.
More details will be provided later.
Traditionally, during the first month of the course students are expected to give a brief about their respective countries (not longer than 40 min) to the coursemates. Start to organise and collect your ideas to be adequately prepared.
For those who intend to pursue a Master’s degree, please bring the following:
- Documents of higher education. Copies of your diploma and supplements (academic transcript) are acceptable if you can show the originals. If you graduated from a higher educational institution and the education documents were issued in English, they must be notarised. If the documents are in another language, they should be translated into the English language and the translations notarised.
- Passport copy (the page with the person's photo), upon presenting the original.
- Curriculum Vitae.
The Commandant, Faculty and I look forward to welcoming you as you begin your intensive and rewarding academic journey at the Baltic Defence College. We wish you every success in your studies.
Course Director, JCGSC
- Installation Day Programme
- Sample CV format
- Read ahead package
- ADL Module/Instructions for the Preliminary Essay/Read ahed package (available in ILIAS not later than 6th of July. Additional information will be provided via email)