Visit by Ukrainian Deputy Chief of Defence

Visit by Ukrainian Deputy Chief of Defence


On 19 November the BALTDEFCOL had the honor to welcome the Deputy Chief of Defence of Ukraine Vice Admiral Ihor Kabanenko for a one day visit.


The guest was welcomed at the entrance of the BALTDEFCOL by the BALTDEFCOL Commandant Brigadier General Gundars Abols (LVA A). VADM Ihor Kabanenko had a meeting at the BALTDEFCOL Commandant’s Office where after signing the BALTDEFCOL Guestbook had a series of briefings delivered by BG Gundars Abols about the BALTDEFCOL, its courses and future challenges; by Acting Course Director Joint Command and General Staff Course (JCGSC) LTC (ret) Ron LaGrone on the JCGSC; and by Course Director Higher Command Studies Course (HCSC) COL Andrej Boi?išin on the HCSC.

Afterwards the high level guest delivered a lecture on “Military Aspects of Ukraine’s Defence Policy on a Current Stage” to the audience of the students of the HCSC 2010 and the BALTDEFCOL Directing Staff. The lecture culminated with an active round of questions and answers where the students and staff used the opportunity to engage the distinguished speaker in an open discussion.

The program at the BALTDEFCOL was followed by a building tour led by CSGM Meelis Koger, and continued with a lunch hosted by the BALTDEFCOL Commandant, guided city tour of Tartu and an official dinner hosted by BG Meelis Kiili, BALTDEFCOL Commandant from 17 DEC 2010.

As the role of Ukraine is increasing in the world then one of the main goals of the democratic international community is to contribute to the smooth integration of the country into the Euro-Atlantic community and structures.

BALTDEFCOL, understanding this goal, has taken the responsibility in bringing Ukraine closer to NATO by educating the Ukrainian students. Especially beneficial in this regard is providing the Ukrainian officers education of the HCSC carrying the title "Leadership in transformation"; and of the JCGSC.

Since 2003 the BALTDEFCOL has been graduated by the following number of Ukrainian officers whose studies have been sponsored either by Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania or Denmark: the HCSC has been graduated by 5 Ukrainians, the JCGSC by 9, the Civil Servants Course (CSC) by 2, and the Army Intermediate Command and Staff Course (AICSC), a course excluded from the BALTDEFCOL curriculum in 2010 by 7 Ukrainian students. The currently conducted HCSC 2010 and the JCGSC 2010/2011 are being enrolled accordingly by 1 and 2 Ukrainian officers.


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